MSP Finance articles based on my experiences 2024

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MSP Finance Based Articles and all subjects relating will be listed under this MSP Finance Index Page.

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MSP Finance Related Articles

MSP Finance Overview

All articles that specifically relate in some way to finance for managed service providers across all topics will be listed above.

While MSP clients and MSP employees are the two main cogs that allow a service provider to operate, the finances in a managed services organization are the lubricant that helps them operate.

In today’s environment, it is very tough to start without any capital. You need a good pile of cash behind you that will allow you to operate for a comfortable period of time if you unexpectedly lose an income source.

I started with nothing and one day I woke up with the realization that it was costing me $60,000 a month just to open the doors and at that time we were just breaking even and I didn't even have a month of working capital in the bank.

Some people love living life on the edge, I am not one of them. Do yourself a favor and do not start growing before you can support the business for at least 6 months of uncertainty. The dreadful feeling of knowing payroll is about to occur and not having enough money in the bank to cover it is extremely unpleasant.

The articles above are a mixture of my experiences running an MSP that are predominantly to do with finances and or lack of them.

MSP Consulting